Bronson's Art
Welcome to Bronson's Art Gallery!
On the following pages I would like to invite you to “rest your mind”, laugh, marvel and reflect with my exhibited pictures, videos and texts as part of contemporary art. Please note that some images are containing or may be associated with nudity, violence or drug use. As these have always been a part of our human existence in various ways, they are also a part of our art history and it is not the intention of my publications to glorify them. People who feel disturbed by viewing of such objects, whether for personal, social or cultural reasons, are advised not to enter the gallery on Bronsons.art.
On my trips around the world I've learned that the perception of the environment is very much influenced by the background of the observer. This also concerns the photos of far places, that you made. No matter how authentic you try to represent something on a photo, the picture around the photo is created by the imagination of the observing person.
With a strong imagination and as a "fan" of desire, sorrow, melancholy and psychedelic, I decided to start the photo series "Perception". The photos in this series are intended to deliberately create a different representation of reality.
The graphical aspects of the photos have been created exclusively by the filters in the camera.